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Hi, I’m Kimberly!

I coach women who know they want something different but have no idea how to actually make it happen.

I help them to discover what they want, remove the overwhelm of getting it and apply an easy and simple structure to create the life they want.

But my clients will tell you what they love most about working with me is . . .

They achieve their goals faster than they ever expected in a way that is relatable, loving and supportive.

And they also now feel more confident, empowered and fulfilled - allowing them to wake up with JOY in their hearts and excited to start their day.

My passion as a life coach emerged after my own personal crisis and a season of self-discovery and recovery. As a women’s life coach, I have been successfully guiding women in rediscovering and renewing themselves. My clients have experienced rapid transforming results as I have helped them overcome personal and professional challenges and find purpose and balance in their lives. As your life coach, I provide support and wisdom from experience, and just what you need in order to achieve a sense of renewal and wake up with JOY in your heart. If I can create the life of my dreams, then you can too - I can help you!



It’s been my experience that women come to coaching, wanting and desiring more from their lives, but do not know how to get started. The essence of coaching is change - some sort of action. One thing that makes coaching different from other therapies is our focused attention on action and change.

To start you on your path, it’s good to take stock, clear out the clutter and get re-energized about your life.

The “Renew YOU - Love Your Life” program will help you do that! This 10 week program renews you and helps you reconnect to and love YOUR life! It gave me a LOT OF JOY putting this program together for you. I am your facilitator but YOU are the creator.

Renew YOU - Love Your Life!

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